Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Hannah looses a tooth...


6 1/2 and she finally lost her first tooth. When she realized it was loose, she was in a panic that it might hurt. Then she was worried that she might swallow it. She is such a worrier. Finally two nights ago, we were brushing her teeth and it was wobbling about wildly. I told her to just grab it and yank it out. She looked at me like I had lost my mind, but she did it and it came right out.

She really wanted to leave a note for the tooth fairy. She said she wanted to know where she lived. I talked her out of it for now, but when I was in bed I envisioned writing her teeny tiny notes from her very own tooth fairy. I don't know how I would have explained that to Tyler who recently made a fairy house out of a cardboard box and left food in it for her for three nights in a row. Her friend told her that if she did this a fairy would come to live there and write her a note. I considered writing her a note but I didn't want to encourage leaving food out in her room every night. And honestly, I never really thought she believed she would get a note. But apparently she did because after a few nights she got frustrated and said, "It's not working!" in a very exasperated tone. I felt guilty, but just for a minute because now the shoe box is gone and so are the orange slices.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

A Valentine's Day Tradition

Having fondue at our house on Valentine's Day is like having turkey for Thanksgiving. It is a necessity. My kids start asking me weeks ahead of time if I have the ingredients for our Valentine's Day fondue. Last week I found my grocery list with a few additions to it in Tylers handwriting. She had added strawberries and fudge. Like I would forget! You would think it was the only day of the year I let them eat chocolate!

Our favorite things to dip are strawberries and Sara Lee frozen pound cake. This year I added raspberries and pretzels which were both delicious also. An occasional banana will make it into the mix some years. This year we shared our bounty with some neighbors and we all sat around happily eating ourselves into a sleepy chocolate stupor.

Happy Valentines Day to us!

Next year - I venture into the realm of cheese fondue!